oleh : Suparno Saputra & A. Rohendi
Quality of service enables a company to differentiate its competitors by increasing sales and market share, provide cross selling opportunities, improving relationships with customers. There by improving the image of the organization. Quality of service generate customer satisfaction and retention and employee, thereby reducing the turnover rate. The purpose of this research is to know respondent comments about the functional quality, technical quality, the organization's image, service quality, and value provided by Bank Mandiri Syariah, and the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty Bank Syariah Mandiri.
Functional quality, consists of five dimensions, namely: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. Perceived value that include functional value, social value, emotional value, and perceived sacrifice. Customer loyalty which include oral communication, the desire to buy, price sensitivity, compleint behavior. From the results of analysis show that on average respondents rated the quality variables of functional, technical quality, the organization's image, service quality, service value, satisfaction, and customer loyalty is generally good. While all of the exogenous variables affect endogenous variables.
Keyword: Functional Quality, Technical Quality, The Organization's Image, Service Quality,
Value, Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty.
1.1. Latar belakang permasalahan
Dimensi kualitas pelayanan menurut Model Gronross (Model Eropa) terdiri dari kualitas fungsional, kualitas teknis dan citra perusahaan. Dimensi kualitas pelayanan menurut Parasuraman (Model Amerika Serikat) yang dikenal dengan SERVQUAL, yang terdiri dari dimensi Tangible, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness dan Assurance. Gronross menamakannya Kualitas Fungsional (Kang & James,2004). Dalam era modern memberikan nilai yang superior telah menjadi perhatian dalam membangun dan mempertahankan keunggulan kompetitif dengan mewujudkan kinerja manajamen hubungan dengan pelanggan (Wang, Lo, Chi dan Yang,2004). Shun Yin Lam et al (2003) menyatakan bahwa kepuasan pelanggan mempengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan. dampak kepuasan pelanggan terhadap perilaku pelanggan dan sikap ingin membeli kembali (Shankar, Smith dan Rangaswamy, 2003).
e-mail ke :kana_ati@yahoo.com atau kanaidi@poltekpos.ac.id
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