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Sabtu, 27 Juli 2013

ANNUAL REPORT PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Tahun 2012, Peserta Annual Report Award (ARA)

ANNUAL REPORT PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) 2012 yang disusun oleh Tim IPO - PT Pos utk Pertama kalinya ikut ajang bergengsi "Annual Report Award (ARA)" 2013 . . . . . click di

Selasa, 02 Juli 2013


Muhammad Guntur SW & Bambang Setiaji - 2009

Objective of this research is to analysis the affect of responsiveness, assurance,
tangible, empathy and reliability due to Surakarta PDAM consumer's satisfaction. The
sample observed was all of the Surakarta PDAM customers at about 60 respondents,
with simple random sampling. Measurement device used to measure service quality is
gap analysts, multiple regression, T-test, F-test, determination coefficients, normality
test, multicoliniarity test and heterokedastisity test. Based on gap analysis results, the
dimension of responsiveness and empathy are having a positive gap, means that the
service quality of Surakarta PDAM is already meet the customers satisfaction, but in the
insurance, tangible and reliability are having negative gap, means that customers hope
due to the service of Surakarta PDAM is higher than service accepted by the customers,
from the quality service dimension regression test that is responsiveness, assurance,
tangible, empathy, and reliability are having positive significant effect on customer
satisfaction of Surakarta PDAM showed that hypothesis with the biggest affection is
responsiveness variable, then empathy, tangible, assurance, and reliability, from T-test it
was obtained responsiveness variables, empathy with significant number at 1% and
assurance, tangible, reliability, are significant at 5%, fount = 19.140 with confidential
interval 99% or n= 0,01 by entering service quality variable, this model is fit.
Determination coefficient number showed 63,9% customer satisfaction variable variation
can be explained by the variable from service quality dimension. Classical assumption
test showed that data range is normal and do not showed multicolinearity and
heterokedastisity test.
Keywords: customers satisfaction, service quality, responsiveness, empathy, reliability.

Seiring dengan bergulirnya perdagangan bebas di masyarakat dalam era
globalisasi ini, masalah kualitas merupakan salah satu bagian penting dan sangat perlu
mendapat perhatian yang serius bagi setiap perusahaan untuk tetap bisa bertahan
dalam lingkungan bisnis.Tinjauan dari perspektif pelanggan antara sektor publik dan
sektor bisnis pada intinya sama, yaitu mengetahui bagaimana pelanggan melihat
organisasi. Perbedaannya terletak pada siapa yang menjadi pelanggannya. Pelanggan
sektor publik yang utama adalah masyarakat pembayar pajak dan masyarakat
pengguna layanan publik. Menurut Mahmudi(2005:229) pelayanan publik adalah segala
kegiatan pelayanan yang dilaksanakan oleh penyelenggara pelayanan publik sebagai . . . .. . ... (baca_selengkapnya)  

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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Valerie A. Taylor, Anthony D. Miyazaki
Published in : Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 22, eds.  (1995),  Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 599-605.

A key link in both service quality and service satisfaction models is the link between the actual service and the perceived service. However, this link, which is particularly critical for services that are high in credence qualities, is often weak and has received limited attention in the marketing and consumer behavior literature. The processes involved in forming expectations and evaluations for such services are considered in this paper and particular incongruities are illustrated. The authors then present propositions which examine the process by which consumers may evaluate services high in credence attributes and discuss consumer and marketer implications of the discussed incongruities.

Significant advances are being made concerning satisfaction and quality perceptions for services. However, a key link in the service quality model has received limited attention: the link between the actual service and the perceived service, particularly regarding services high in credence attributes (i.e., those that cannot be easily evaluated by consumers without consulting expert opinion [Steenkamp 1990]). Because many consumers are not able to appropriately evaluate services high in credence attributes (e.g., auto repair, technical services, medical procedures), there are concerns regarding consumer fraud. Specifically, the opportunity exists for service providers to misrepresent services that are needed or performed, which ultimately might result in monetary and other types of losses to consumers and loss of consumer confidence toward the companies or industries involved. (Additionally, consumer inability to appropriately evaluate services high in credence attributes might alternatively work against the service provider. In this situation, rather than consumer fraud, the concern is that consumers may perceive the service more negatively than deserved.)

Consequently, an understanding of the processes involved in consumer evaluations of services high in credence attributes would make an important contribution from both public policy and management perspectives. In this paper we explore a portion of the decision making process that consumers face in making judgments about service quality. Specifically, we address the attribute incongruities between expectations and evaluations and the role of ambiguity in the consumer satisfaction process for services high in credence attributes  . . . . . . . . ... (baca_selengkapnya)  

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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HP. 08122353284
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HARTONO - 2005

This research aim to analyse the influence of Variabel reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
emphaty, tangible to customer satisfaction PT. Bank Jateng Cabang Purworejo. Result from individual analysis, Variabel reliability, responsiveness, emphaty, assurance, and tangible significance to individually is each Variabel influence the Variabel of of customer satisfaction. Seen from value F-test, assess the F-test equal 52,032 is significance at = 1%, meaning Variabel reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, tangible, and access by together influence the Variabel customer satisfaction.
Value of coefficient determinasi (R2) for the credit of individualness equal 0,735 meaning equal
73,5 % Variabel reliability, responsiveness, assurance, emphaty, tangible and access can influence the
Variabel of customer satisfaction by signifikan, while equal to 26,5% influenced by other Variabel is not packed into a model. From result of coefficient regression in individualness analysis shown assurance is dominant Variabel. Result from JB test, Durbin Watson (JB) value, Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value, and heteroskedasticity test, shown no problem to classic assumtion, as this research is the BLUE (Best Linier Unbiased Estimation).
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Emphaty, Tangible, and

Paradigma yang kini sedang menjadi
gerakan banyak organisasi (baik sektor swasta
maupun pemerintah) adalah sejalan dengan adanya
gerakan revolusi mutu melalui pendekatan
manajemen mutu terpadu. Mutu oleh banyak
kalangan organisasi dipandang sebagai paradigma
perubahan yang perlu mendapat perhatian
bersama, karena mutu menentukan dan merupakan
inti kelangsungan hidup organisasi.
Kepuasan pelanggan merupakan salah satu
rahasia keberhasilan suatu bisnis. Sekalipun
demikian, masih banyak orang yang dengan
sengaja atau tidak sengaja melupakan hal ini.
Banyak kegagalan bisnis terjadi karena pelanggan
dikecewakan sehingga mereka mencari . . . . . . ... (baca_selengkapnya)  

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
e-mail ke : atau
HP. 08122353284
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