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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013


Valerie A. Taylor, Anthony D. Miyazaki
Published in : Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 22, eds.  (1995),  Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 599-605.

A key link in both service quality and service satisfaction models is the link between the actual service and the perceived service. However, this link, which is particularly critical for services that are high in credence qualities, is often weak and has received limited attention in the marketing and consumer behavior literature. The processes involved in forming expectations and evaluations for such services are considered in this paper and particular incongruities are illustrated. The authors then present propositions which examine the process by which consumers may evaluate services high in credence attributes and discuss consumer and marketer implications of the discussed incongruities.

Significant advances are being made concerning satisfaction and quality perceptions for services. However, a key link in the service quality model has received limited attention: the link between the actual service and the perceived service, particularly regarding services high in credence attributes (i.e., those that cannot be easily evaluated by consumers without consulting expert opinion [Steenkamp 1990]). Because many consumers are not able to appropriately evaluate services high in credence attributes (e.g., auto repair, technical services, medical procedures), there are concerns regarding consumer fraud. Specifically, the opportunity exists for service providers to misrepresent services that are needed or performed, which ultimately might result in monetary and other types of losses to consumers and loss of consumer confidence toward the companies or industries involved. (Additionally, consumer inability to appropriately evaluate services high in credence attributes might alternatively work against the service provider. In this situation, rather than consumer fraud, the concern is that consumers may perceive the service more negatively than deserved.)

Consequently, an understanding of the processes involved in consumer evaluations of services high in credence attributes would make an important contribution from both public policy and management perspectives. In this paper we explore a portion of the decision making process that consumers face in making judgments about service quality. Specifically, we address the attribute incongruities between expectations and evaluations and the role of ambiguity in the consumer satisfaction process for services high in credence attributes  . . . . . . . . ... (baca_selengkapnya)  

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