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Selasa, 02 Juli 2013


Muhammad Guntur SW & Bambang Setiaji - 2009

Objective of this research is to analysis the affect of responsiveness, assurance,
tangible, empathy and reliability due to Surakarta PDAM consumer's satisfaction. The
sample observed was all of the Surakarta PDAM customers at about 60 respondents,
with simple random sampling. Measurement device used to measure service quality is
gap analysts, multiple regression, T-test, F-test, determination coefficients, normality
test, multicoliniarity test and heterokedastisity test. Based on gap analysis results, the
dimension of responsiveness and empathy are having a positive gap, means that the
service quality of Surakarta PDAM is already meet the customers satisfaction, but in the
insurance, tangible and reliability are having negative gap, means that customers hope
due to the service of Surakarta PDAM is higher than service accepted by the customers,
from the quality service dimension regression test that is responsiveness, assurance,
tangible, empathy, and reliability are having positive significant effect on customer
satisfaction of Surakarta PDAM showed that hypothesis with the biggest affection is
responsiveness variable, then empathy, tangible, assurance, and reliability, from T-test it
was obtained responsiveness variables, empathy with significant number at 1% and
assurance, tangible, reliability, are significant at 5%, fount = 19.140 with confidential
interval 99% or n= 0,01 by entering service quality variable, this model is fit.
Determination coefficient number showed 63,9% customer satisfaction variable variation
can be explained by the variable from service quality dimension. Classical assumption
test showed that data range is normal and do not showed multicolinearity and
heterokedastisity test.
Keywords: customers satisfaction, service quality, responsiveness, empathy, reliability.

Seiring dengan bergulirnya perdagangan bebas di masyarakat dalam era
globalisasi ini, masalah kualitas merupakan salah satu bagian penting dan sangat perlu
mendapat perhatian yang serius bagi setiap perusahaan untuk tetap bisa bertahan
dalam lingkungan bisnis.Tinjauan dari perspektif pelanggan antara sektor publik dan
sektor bisnis pada intinya sama, yaitu mengetahui bagaimana pelanggan melihat
organisasi. Perbedaannya terletak pada siapa yang menjadi pelanggannya. Pelanggan
sektor publik yang utama adalah masyarakat pembayar pajak dan masyarakat
pengguna layanan publik. Menurut Mahmudi(2005:229) pelayanan publik adalah segala
kegiatan pelayanan yang dilaksanakan oleh penyelenggara pelayanan publik sebagai . . . .. . ... (baca_selengkapnya)  

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
e-mail ke : atau
HP. 08122353284
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